Share tracks

Trace de Trail is a website for creating and sharing 100% trail-running routes. When you create a route, you have the option of displaying it in public mode to share it with the rest of the community, or in private mode.

In public mode, your tour will appear in one of the three sections of the Search page :

Selected route

Official competitions 

Community routes
In other cases, your routes will be placed in this section.

In private mode, you'll be able to share your route with a restricted group of users. Only you and they will have access to the route.

In this section, we will explain :

1. Share your route in selected routes section

Trace de Trail website was created over 10 years ago with the aim of sharing quality trail-running routes, whether for training or competition races. The selected routes section was created to highlight quality training routes.

Criteria required to be included in this section :

Permanent trail-running routes created by a local authority or user training routes satisfying the following criteria :

  • The route must be adapted for trail running and must have been realized by the author.
  • it must not use paths/tracks where there is a clear sign that passage is forbidden (private property, by-law prohibiting passage, etc.).
  • the track must be of high quality
  • A short description of the itinerary and photos are appreciated.

How do I get my route into the section ?

Send an e-mail viathe contact form by specifying the track number you wish to display in this section.

2. Share a route in official competitions section

This section is reserved for competition organizers.

To integrate this section, you must create an event and link your tracks to this event. Discover help details here

Please note : your event will be listed in the Trace de Trail calendar.

3. Share a private track with a restricted group of users
Suscribers only

You have the possibility to put a track in private mode and to share it with a limited number of people.

To do so, you need to send the link to the page and the private access code

You will find this information on the route page, by clicking on the link share
