Customize track
1. Personnaliser le tracé
en création / modification de parcours

When you create or modify a route, you can choose the final appearance it will have.

You can adjust 5 parameters :

  • Color

  • The thickness of the line

  • The degree og transparency

  • the thickness of the border

  • the spacing of kilometre bubbles

The modifications you make will be saved when you save your route. Anyone viewing your route will be able to see the layout you have chosen !

2. Customise the display of a track
when I view a route

When you view a route on the Trace de Trail website, you can adjust the same settings as when you create/modify a route :

  • Color

  • The thickness of the line

  • The degree og transparency

  • the thickness of the border

  • the spacing of kilometre bubbles

How to proceed ?

The track modification parameters are accessible using the tracks button available on the left of the map
