The routes of Trail de l'Etendard
2024 July 14 - Event
An exceptional journey !

The Trail de l'Etendard will take place in July, from the 30th to the 31st between Bourg d'Oisans (Isère) and Saint Sorlin d'Arves (Savoie).

Let's discover a huge crossing of the Grandes Rousses mountains at the start of Bourg d'Oisans or Saint Sorlin d'Arves, by going at the bottom of Glacier de l'Étendard. 

Are you crazy about lakes ? You're going to get near 12 remarquable lakes, like the Lac Blanc, the Lac Bramant ou the Lac de Grand'Maison.

Whatever it's with the 16, 22, 44 or 65 km, you will have plenty of wonderful mountains landscapes ! 

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